Plain living and high thinking.
Personality is to man what per-fume is to a flower. --Schwab
品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。 --施瓦布
Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. --Shakespeare
美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。 --莎士比亚
Self-esteem is a virtue an original force to urge one to progress. --Maugham
自尊心是一种美德,是促进一个人不断向前发展的一种原动力。 --毛姆
Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. --Teresa
不要认为爱必须要惊天地泣鬼神,我们需要的是一直付出爱,从不厌倦。 --特雷莎
Behaving according to the moral standard endows life with beauty and dignity --Thomas
符合道德标准的行为会使人生充满美和尊严 。 --托马斯
Every time you smile at someone. it is an action of love. a gift to that person a
beautiful thing. --Teresa
每当你向别人微笑,你就在付出爱心,这是送给那人的礼物,是非常美妙的。 ---特雷莎
Sincerity and respect are the inner factors of polite speech, which will make one nobler and purer. --GaoShiqi
诚恳和尊重是语言美的内在因素,讲究语言美,能使人变得更高尚,更纯洁。 --高士其
Virtue islofty. but it requires you to give. --Joanne Hill
美德是高尚的,但美德需要付出和给予。 --乔安山